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REHDA Youth hosted an event titled “Redefined the Lightweight & Bad Wires Start Fires!” on 24 October 2023. The event featured speakers Ms. Heather Tan, Head of Marketing for the Central Region at Acotec Sdn Bhd, and Mr. Yong Tat Soon, Manager of Research & Development at Olympic Cable Company Sdn Bhd.

During this event, the spotlight was on a revolutionary development in the construction sector: Acolite, a unique concrete wall panel in Malaysia known for its lightweight characteristics while maintaining exceptional strength. This innovation leverages modern technology to reduce the overall structural burden of buildings.

Additionally, Olympic Cable Company (OCC) is recognized for its production of high-quality PVC/XLPE armored and fire-resistant cables, which are distributed globally and cater to various industries, including construction, oil & gas, marine, and more. These cables encompass a wide range of applications, from housing wires to power and transmission cables

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